Research Education: Big Question Mark in Academia

One of the biggest and greatest questions in all of the education fields is that how to perform a factual research. They don’t care who you are, from where you came. What subject you have chosen for your life. What career you are seeking, nothing, they care about. They just want you to perform a very good research in your field or subject of education at the end of your higher degrees. But the question is “How?”. How could someone perform such a difficult task without any knowledge?

It’s been considered since long time, that if you have reached 14 years of education. You are somehow capable of doing research by yourself with no knowledge of research.

You could ask or think, that’s not true. When you do your MPhil or PhD, they give you research education for at least 2 semesters. But the reality is quite opposite to this fantasy.

You never get research education. You just get familiar with some sort of very difficult techniques and methods that you hardly grasp during those semesters. But if you somehow could do that. Means, you somehow manage to understand what they have taught you in those research method semesters. You don’t have become a researcher right after just knowing the methods.

What is Research?

What is research? It’s all about telling the deepest truth of your own inner self in a sense. As a researcher, your freedom’s been squeezed to a very small domain. Which is necessary because if you are a researcher you are working for the humanity now not for yourself. So, you are no freer to bring your emotions in between the task.

# How to Choose Topic for your Research Paper

Remember! Your research will continuously be quoted permanently for decades in other articles and research papers. So above all, during those two semesters of course work for MPhil or PhD, you actually need to learn the honesty. Which sometime is very hard to find in yourself. Because of emotions, passions, ambitions, relations, career opportunities and offers that could make you perform that research of yours differently than of the way you would have performed it if you were for example Emanuel Kant.

Being a Researcher is not a Job

Second, the most important thing is that being a researcher is not a job, it’s a nature; it’s a spirit and it’s an attribute. Some people are researchers by birth and the others could find their researchers in themselves during course work days. If truth be told, those ones should leave the course work during semesters. Who realize that they could never become a researcher. How you could know about your researcher nature? That’s the question which should be answered during your course works to you, first of all.

In our societies, great PhDs and big guns of the subjects are always teaching the highest classes in universities. That’s what not very fair in fact. How someone could become a good Research Education Teacher with his higher degree in a specific field, for example the physics? How could a senior PhD physics teacher be a research education teacher at the same time? Of course, he knows physics than everyone else. But does he know all the research methods required for different types of researches? Not at all.

In fact, number one, research is something that should be performed only by researchers i.e. the people with researchers’ spirit. Number two, researchers must be taught and instructed almost all of the research methods. Number three a researcher must not perform a research if he finds himself convincing, persuasive and emotional for his specific conclusions. That would not be a research rather than it would be pure dishonesty with fellow human being and other researchers.

Logic is the ultimate tool of Research

And last but not least, a researcher must know the advanced principles of traditional and modern logic and fallacies of both types, formal and informal. If a department of any University does not teach logic to its research students and they still think that they are producing super researchers of their age. They are totally mistaken. Logic is a tool, being used for centuries for performing any type of research, including qualitative or quantitative.

If you don’t give your scholar this very powerful tool of researching and investigating phenomena i.e. the logic with complete package. You will just produce some sort of other Richard Dawkinses, Lawrence Krausses. Also, all those stage performers who mislead poor audience just by committing dangerous fallacies all the time about social and cultural realities of the society. While their audiences never knew that they are only higher degree holder physicists. They have never been true and honest researchers of social sciences throughout their lives. And also, they never knew the basic principles of logic and fallacies.